So here I am. After journaling for a while, I figured I would just jump on the band wagon and try blogging. Something I never thought I would do. But here I am. Tonight was our Ring the Bells Christmas Concert. The goal was to ring in the new year with songs of the season and to celebrate His birth. It also doubled as a worship ministry fundraiser. Hoping to be able to start having some money for a new computer and new presentation software. It was ironic because the very thing we were trying to save for broke at the start of the night. "Oh great" I thought, all the hard work that I put in with the videos and lyrics are just going to be a waste. I told God, "I have you have a sense of humor, but now is not a good time to be showing it to me." It was like God was just sitting up there laughing at me.
So the night went on. no video, no visual effect at all due to the computer and presentation software being bad. But other than that, the night went well. The members of the worship team were helping by singing, reading, and doing other things and it turned out really good.
At the end of the night, we counted the offering, the total came out. I...was...shocked. I thought it was a joke at first. Raising enough money to completely replace the computer and the presentation software...and then some. I thought god was up there laughing at me. It was like, the computer went down, but God was like..."Now watch this." After the computer crashing, God provided the funds needed to replace the very thing we set out for.
I dont know why I feel like "I" have to do everything, and how everything falls on "me". Tonight was a nice swift kick to the face that it is not about me. It isnt about what I do, or what work, or how much time I put into something. It isnt about me at all. It is about sharing who God is to the people who need him.
As much as I hate Christmas music. Tonight was a big success. Not only did we reach our goal, and then some. I got a nice rude awakening which is something I have needed for a while. I am not completely there...but its a start....right?
Right! ;-)