Saturday, December 11, 2010

Convoy of Hope

This morning, over 800 volenteers, over 50 different congregations around South Carolina, came together to help serve the poor and needy in Charleston.  The Convoy of Hope which is a carnival-like event that includes free distribution of 2000 bags of food to provide meals to feed needy people throughout the Greater Charleston area. Free grocery distribution begins with free refreshments, live entertainment, children’s carnival area, medical services, job placement, haircuts, portraits, and giving of free shoes and socks, and clothes.  

There was something about the convoy which kind of had me "on edge" before I got down there.  It was a good, "God is going to show me something great" kind of edge.  
     It was ... humbling...
Seeing about 4000 needy people from Charleston coming to the convoy for food, haircuts, prayer, groceries, and simply prayer.  It opened my eyes that there is such a need for people to help those in need.  And the need is great.   It was cold, rainy, and muddy but it didn't stop people from coming out. 

     Matthew 9:37 - "Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

I was working in the portrait tent.  They had the option for someone to do their makeup before they got a free portrait.  I was assigned to this one 10 year old girl named Sarah.  She had this "glow" about her smile, like she was so happy.  After we got her makeup on, she got her picture taken.
      As I was escorting her out of the tent, she told me "Thank You.  I have never wore makeup before or gotten my picture taken.  It made me feel so beautiful." 


What was I suppose to say to this 10 year old girl who had never had her picture taken before?  As she left the tent, I just stood there in silence.  

We take so many things for simply being able to get our picture taken.  As that girl told me how she felt so beautiful, my heart just broke.  God opened my eyes to the need of those not only in Charleston area but all over the world.  Giving a couple of hours of my Saturday was worth it.   God used a 10 year old girl named Sarah to get me to listen.  Makes me think...God's voice is in everything...if we decide to stop and listen. 

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